Rehab Aftercare Programs and Support Groups

Addiction aftercare for long-term recovery.
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Aftercare Rehab in Florida

Recovery from addiction doesn’t have an endpoint because addiction is a long-term and chronic disorder.1 Instead, recovery is a continuous process that is constantly evolving based on your needs and progress. An important element for continued recovery is aftercare. Learn about what addiction aftercare is, including goals and benefits, the role aftercare plays in relapse prevention, and aftercare programs near you.

What Is Addiction Aftercare?

Aftercare is a broad term that references continued engagement after formalized treatment has occurred.1 More specifically, aftercare describes the services and interventions that occur after a higher intensity of treatment has been completed, such as inpatient or residential treatment.1

Addiction aftercare does not mean that treatment has ended. Instead, it references a phase of substance use treatment.

Because substance use treatment isn’t a straight line, you may engage in aftercare on more than 1 occasion, depending on your progress in the recovery process. The length of addiction aftercare programs can vary widely from person to person and is dependent on your individual needs.

Benefits of Aftercare

Relapse is a part of the recovery process for many people. Research suggests that relapse rates for substance use disorders (SUDs) are anywhere between 40-60%.2

A noteworthy benefit of substance abuse aftercare is its influence on relapse and relapse prevention. Aftercare programs are important to help prevent future relapse after a more intensive program has been completed.1

Support is another benefit of aftercare programs. It can come in a variety of forms. This can include participation in mutual self-help groups, educational interventions, and engagement in social activities that are conducive to abstinence.1

Additional benefits of aftercare include:1

  • Housing resources.
  • Employment assistance.
  • Connecting you to healthy recreational activities.
  • Strengthening your support system.
  • Getting you involved in pleasurable activities.

Goals of Addiction Aftercare

Aftercare follows the successful completion of a substance use treatment program. Therefore, 1 of the main goals of aftercare is to support and sustain abstinence and any other treatment gains you achieved during treatment.1

Additional goals of addiction aftercare include:1

  • Connecting you to sources of support.
  • Avoiding relapse.
  • Minimizing risk and severity of relapse.
  • Increasing self-confidence.
  • Improving and developing coping skills.
  • Identifying personal goals and ways to overcome obstacles to goal achievement.
  • Linking you to community resources.

Types of Aftercare Programs to Consider

Like substance use treatment programs, there are various types of aftercare programs offered, and any combination of them may be right for you. Also like treatment itself, interventions and services included in your aftercare plan are unique to you, your needs, and your goals.

Aftercare services can occur in various settings, such as treatment facilities and sober living homes. Services can include things such as therapy, alumni programs, and self-help/support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Facility-Based Aftercare Programs

Rehab and substance use treatment facilities often offer substance abuse aftercare programs. At Recovery First, we offer comprehensive aftercare services. Together, you and a case manager will work to create a discharge plan that can include:

  • Alumni support programs.
  • Mutual support/12-Step programs at the treatment facility.
  • Monthly events where you can attend fun activities with other individuals who are also in recovery.

Sober Living for Addiction Aftercare

Sober living homes are drug and alcohol-free living environments for individuals who are abstinent and are trying to remain abstinent; the homes are funded by the individuals who reside in them.3

Sober living homes may be suitable for you if you:

  • Have an unstable living environment.
  • Live with individuals who use substances.
  • Have limited social support.

Social support plays a crucial role in recovery and maintaining abstinence. Studies have consistently demonstrated that individuals who have a sober social support network have better recovery and abstinence outcomes.3

Alumni Programs

Many drug and alcohol treatment programs, such as Recovery First, offer alumni programs. Alumni programs include meetings between you and fellow alumni who have completed treatment and are working on maintaining abstinence.

Alumni meetings can occur at the treatment facility and can be a source of community support, resources, and encouragement.

Recovery First offers an alumni program that includes:

  • Meetings.
  • Monthly events.
  • A recovery app.

A Recovery App for Alumni

Our alumni program, with the help of our parent company, American Addiction Centers, offers an app to help you continue to succeed in your recovery journey after treatment.

As a former patient of Recovery First, you’ll be able to connect with other alumni through a safe, HIPAA-compliant application that:

  • Gives you access to our addiction professionals through a secure chat function.
  • Provides a new social networking experience only for alumni.
  • Includes insightful content about continuing recovery.
  • Allows you to journal your gratitude and experiences outside of treatment.
  • Helps you mark your milestones with a recovery tracker.

You can receive an invitation to join our alumni app by completing this online request form.

Ongoing Therapy After Addiction Treatment

Therapy is an essential element in addiction treatment. Continued therapy during aftercare can help you:2

  • Change your thoughts and behaviors around drug and alcohol use.
  • Learn and implement healthy coping skills in real life.
  • Recognize and avoid potential triggers to relapse.
  • Effectively cope with stress without using drugs or alcohol.

12-Step Meetings and Other Support Groups for Aftercare

12-Step meetings and other support groups are often a part of aftercare programs and are another excellent way to maintain sobriety. 12-Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART) may be an important part of your treatment plan. AA and other support groups have been found to aid recovery efforts and may lead to greater abstinence outcomes.4

Support groups like SMART recovery and AA/NA are comprised of individuals who have achieved abstinence and are in recovery; these individuals have a history of participation in self-help groups as part of their aftercare plan. Meetings are conducted in-person or online and are sources of support, encouragement, and guidance for individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction.5

Benefits of 12-Step programs like SMART can include:6

  • Reduced relapse rates.
  • Decreased return to homelessness.
  • Improved emotional support.

Creating an Aftercare Plan

Our staff at Recovery First will work with each patient to create a comprehensive rehab aftercare plan before leaving our treatment facility.

In aftercare planning, you and an addiction treatment professional work together to:7

  • Set aftercare goals.
  • Establish criteria to monitor progress on your goals.
  • Identify activities and interventions to include in your aftercare plan.
  • Identify available resources and services in the community.
  • Create a rapport with staff and other personnel in community agencies to ensure a smooth and effective transition to aftercare.
  • Make special arrangements as necessary to remove barriers to the continuation of care.

Your substance abuse aftercare plan may include services in the following areas of your life:8

  • Health (outpatient, group, and family therapy, doctor appointments)
  • Home (suitable and sober living home referrals)
  • Purpose (Employment assistance programs, life skills training, parenting classes). For example, patients at Recovery First can apply to join the Pathways 2 Work program. Experts meet with patients to match them with successful, long-term employment. There is no fee for this service.
  • Community (AA/NA and other 12-step support groups, resources on community activities and groups)

Relapse Prevention and Aftercare

The period following discharge from an intensive treatment program is a vulnerable time for many people as research indicates that as much as 50% of people relapse within the initial 12 weeks following completion of an intensive treatment program.9

Aftercare planning can help prevent relapse by addressing the five key factors in avoiding relapse which include:9

  • Therapy.
  • Medications.
  • Monitoring.
  • Peer support.
  • Emerging interventions.

While more research is needed, studies show positive outcomes on relapse when aftercare is included. A study conducted on men with alcohol use disorder (AUD) who received aftercare in the form of home visits from psychiatric nurses resulted in abstinence of 36% of the men compared to 6% of those who did not receive aftercare services and men who received aftercare services were more likely to attend mutual support meetings (24% vs. 9%).10

Recovery First Offers Aftercare Rehab in Florida

Recovery First, a drug rehab near Miami, recognizes the importance of addiction aftercare in relapse prevention and we offer several aftercare programs. Speak to an admissions navigator today by calling 585-326-3332. Find out more information about:

Admissions navigators at Recovery First are available 24/7 to walk you through the admissions process, answer your questions, and help you check your insurance coverage. You can also quickly and securely verify your insurance coverage online.

If you’re ready for recovery, support is available to help you on your journey.


  1. McKay, J.R. (2014). Impact of continuing care on recovery from substance use disorder. (2021). Alcohol Research, 41(1).
  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2020). Drugs, brains, and behavior: The science of addiction.
  3. Bond, J., Galloway, G., Korcha, R., & Polcin, D.L. (2010). What did we learn from our study on sober living houses, and where do we go from here? Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 42(4), 425-433.
  4. Ferri, M., Humphreys, K., & Kelly, J.F. (2020). Alcoholics anonymous and other 12-step programs for alcohol use disorder. Cochrane Database of Systematic Review, 2020(3).
  5. SMART Recovery. (n.d.). About SMART recovery.
  6. Tracy, K. & Wallace, S.P. (2016). Benefits of peer support groups in the treatment of addiction. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 7, 143-154.
  7. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (n.d.). Substance abuse: Clinical issues in intensive outpatient treatment.
  8. The Association for Addiction Professionals. (n.d.). Recovery definitions.
  9. Guenzel, N. & McChargue, D. (2022). Addiction relapse prevention.
  10. McKay, J.R. (2009). Continuing care research: What we have learned and where we are going. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 36(2), 131-145.

Addiction Aftercare for Your Needs

At Recovery First, we customize your rehab aftercare plan with you. Our team of dedicated professionals can help support your recovery journey.
  • Create an Effective Rehab Aftercare Plan

    We will work with you to develop an aftercare plan that meets your specific needs. Our compassionate and experienced staff members can empower you to stay on track with your recovery with the appropriate plan.

  • Join Our Alumni Program

    After you complete your treatment with us, we encourage you to join our alumni program. Attend recovery meetings, monthly social events, and receive the encouragement you need to stay sober long-term.

  • Stay Connected With Our Alumni App

    Connect with other alumni and continue to experience the supportive community you found during treatment.

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