Therapies for Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment
When a person seeks treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, they may not know a lot about what treatment involves. There are many components to treatment, and therapy is an integral part of any rehab program.
This article will help you learn more about the types of therapy used in addiction treatment, whether insurance covers therapy for substance use disorder, and how to find drug and alcohol addiction therapy.
Therapy During Addiction Treatment
Various types of therapy may be incorporated into an effective treatment plan for substance use disorder recovery. For instance, several evidence-based behavioral therapies have been shown to help a person:1
- Develop the skills needed to change their thoughts and behaviors that relate to their substance use.
- Stay in treatment longer.
- Enhance the effectiveness of other modes of treatment, such as medications.
The benefits of therapy extend beyond an initial period of rehabilitation, too. In fact, the use of evidence-based therapy can be an important element of aftercare once a person leaves treatment, as such therapeutic efforts can help a person sustain their recovery.2
There are many different types of therapy for addiction treatment, and the various types of therapy that are best for a person depends on each person’s individual needs.3
Recovery First Treatment Center employs several types of therapy for treating substance use disorders, including many of the types of addiction therapy listed here.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a widely used effective treatment approach for a variety of diagnoses, including mental health and substance use disorders.5
CBT helps people develop the skills needed to modify problematic thoughts and behaviors to improve outcomes.5
When used as a therapy for addiction treatment, CBT helps people change the way they think about using substances, change addictive behaviors, and develop improved coping mechanisms.1,5
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that was originally developed to treat people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and/or at risk for suicide. However, DBT is increasingly used to treat substance use disorders.4
DBT aims to improve a person’s acceptance of various emotions using skills such as mindfulness and distress tolerance, while also trying to change the responses, through the use of emotional regulation skills and increased interpersonal effectiveness.4
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a dynamic therapy that can be used at any point along a person’s addiction treatment journey.6 MI is designed to help a person overcome ambivalence about their substance use disorder and increase their motivation to change.7
With this method, the treatment provider focuses on listening and helping the person find intrinsic motivation and reasons to change.7
Providers utilizing this treatment employ a series of questions that show empathy and compassion to help a person see the difference between where they are currently and where they want to be.7
Anger Management Therapy
Many therapists believe that issues such as anger and related aggression may be associated with problematic substance use.8
In such cases, anger management therapy may be a helpful component of an SUD treatment plan, as it may teach those in recovery how to recognize anger and manage their emotions and stress in a healthy manner.8
Individual, Group, and Family Therapy
There are both individual and group approaches to therapy for addiction treatment. In addition, family therapy is frequently used to treat substance misuse.
Individual therapy involves working with a therapist in one-on-one sessions. These sessions focus on individual goals and skill building and may involve a variety of therapeutic approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), among others.9
Group therapy is commonly used in addiction treatment. In a group setting, any of the following models of group therapy may be conducted:10
- Psychoeducational groups.
- Skills development groups.
- Cognitive behavioral groups.
- Support groups.
- Interpersonal process groups.
Such groups are led by licensed treatment providers and are known to provide several benefits that support recovery from substance use, including positive peer support and the ability to learn from others in recovery.10
Family therapy can also be a component of SUD treatment programs, especially with adolescents. However, family therapy can be helpful with families of adults with an SUD as well, by focusing on improving family functioning.1
12-Step Facilitation (TSF)
The 12-Step facilitation approach is often used in treating SUDs to help people become engaged with 12-Step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).1 These groups can provide people in recovery with ongoing social support.1
12-Step groups, such as AA, emphasize acceptance of addiction as a condition from which recovery is possible, though such recovery may require lifelong management.11
In the program, a person will work through the 12-Steps from acceptance and surrender to remaining committed to and active in their own recovery.1,12
Importantly, mutual support group participation allows those in recovery an opportunity to help to other addicted individuals on similar recovery journeys.11
Medications for Addiction Treatment
Medications for addiction treatment are an important component of treating people for certain types of SUD, including alcohol and opioid use disorders.1
In combination with behavioral therapy and counseling, treatment providers may prescribe different kinds of medications depending on where a person is in the recovery process and what the person’s specific needs are.1
There are several FDA-approved medications for both alcohol and opioid addiction treatment, which can help a person:1
- Cope with withdrawal symptoms.
- Remain in treatment.
- Avoid relapse.
Complementary & Alternative Therapies
Many rehab programs also incorporate complementary and alternative therapies alongside of more conventional, evidence-based therapies for SUD. These therapies can include such approaches as:13,14,15
- Meditation/mindfulness.
- Yoga.
- Healthy dietary changes.
- Acupuncture.
- Music therapy.
- Art therapy.
- Recreational therapy.
Further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of these alternative therapies, but some interventions have shown promise.13
There is some evidence that music therapy combined with other forms of treatment may enhance recovery.15 Yoga has also shown promise in some studies for its effectiveness in treating SUDs.14
Does Insurance Cover Addiction Therapy?
Yes, insurance typically covers addiction therapy at some level. Mental and behavioral health treatment as well as substance use disorder treatment are all considered essential health benefits.16
It is important, however, that you check your specific insurance coverage for rehab to see what your plan covers.
You can verify your insurance coverage here by using our . In addition, there are also several other ways to pay for rehab so that you or your loved one can get treatment for addiction.
Addiction Treatment & Therapy in Florida
If you or someone you care about is ready for recovery, Recovery First Treatment Center offers multiple types of addiction treatment, including inpatient and outpatient rehab programs.
Expert clinicians at our alcohol and drug rehab near Miami employ evidence-based addiction treatment therapies customized for each person’s individual needs.
To speak with one of our caring admission navigators, call us today at . Our team can answer your questions and walk you through the rehab admissions process.
Please don’t wait to get the help you deserve. Reach out now and get started on your recovery.