Florida Substance Abuse and the Treatment Solution

Florida is home to beautiful beaches, exquisite cuisine, and to the happiest place on earth, Disney World. Who wouldn’t enjoy the Sunshine State? Unfortunately, this southern location faces a battle with drugs. Those struggling with substance and/or alcohol abuse are experiencing a world much different from others. According to the Florida Department of Health’s Bureau of Vital Statistics, drug overdose deaths more than doubled between 2014 through 2016. This includes Florida’s undetermined and unintentional overdose deaths.

Recovery First Treatment Center, an American Addiction Center’s treatment facility, is the solution for those battling drug or alcohol use. Located in beautiful Hollywood, Florida—just between Miami and Fort Lauderdale, it’s a safe haven to get the help that an individual needs in order to get sober.

Two laws were passed in Florida to combat opioid misuse and abuse. This consist of the Pill Mill Law on Opioid Prescribing and Utilization (Florida Statutes, section 458.3265) and the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (Florida Statutes, section 893.055). In 2017, Florida’s surgeon general and governor “recognized a statewide public health emergency for the opioid epidemic.” And in that same year, the House Bill 249 was passed, which requires the reporting of controlled substance overdoses.

Recovery First Treatment Center treats addictions to prescription opioids, as well as addictions to alcohol, Ambien, benzodiazepines, fentanyl, meth, heroin, cocaine, among many other substances. Between passing laws and providing exceptional treatment solutions, those battling substance use disorders or alcohol use disorders in Florida have a fighting chance to get the help they need.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) awarded Florida an Overdose Data to Action grant in 2019. This increased the magnitude of the preceding drug overdose surveillance system, inclusive of more non-opioid related overdoses. This grant also made the funding of prevention efforts stronger. This newly enhanced surveillance system and infrastructure gave way to a focused and shared response to the drug overdose challenge.

The grant supports resources needed to:

  • Abstract, input, and collect fatal overdose data.
  • Monitor non-fatal drug overdose trips at Florida ER hospitals/departments.
  • Conveys surveillance results to stakeholders.
  • “Leverages Florida’s existing incident-level Emergency Medical Services data collection system.”

With the help of enforcing state laws, using the funds provided by grants, and treatment centers like Recovery First, those battling alcohol or substance abuse have a fighting chance. Sobriety isn’t a battle that is won overnight or alone. It’s a continuous effort with a team of supportive family and friends, medical staff, and other healthcare professionals.

Recovery First provides:

  • Medical detox.
  • Residential treatment.
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP).
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP).
  • Aftercare planning.
  • Treatment for co-occurring disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety)

The obstacles that an individual addicted to drugs or alcohol is faced with may feel overwhelming at times. Sometimes it may feel like those obstacles are insurmountable. But hope is here. Help is within reach. No one has to go through treatment and sobriety on their own. Individuals can live a healthy and productive life in long-term sobriety one step at a time and one day at a time.

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Recovery First is located in Hollywood, Florida, which is easily accessible from Miami or Ft. Lauderdale. Our small groups means you get more one-on-one support and make stronger connections with the community. Take the next step toward recovery: learn more about our addiction treatment programs near Florida's Atlantic coast or learn about how rehab is affordable for everyone.